Become a Club Security to Make Money Faster in East Brickton

There are some jobs in Roblox East Brickton. One of them is a Club Security. Now, you may want to try becoming a Club Security to make money faster in Roblox East Brickton. Well, let us find out some information about that.

Becoming a Club Security to make money faster

Some players want to be a Club Security because that job can make money faster in Robox East Brickton. For those who are a Club Security, you have to stand outside and collect money from the attendants. Also, a Club Security must ensure that they do not start any fights in the club. The time of becoming a Club Security in East Brickton is from 8 pm to 3 am, and the salary rate is $90/ 30 minutes (+50 Commission).

Become a Club Security to Make Money Faster in East Brickton

Some Jobs in Roblox East Brickton

As we know that there are a number of jobs in Roblox East Brickton where you are able to  work in. Here are some of the jobs with the tasks and salary which you will get.

    • Club Security

You must stand outside and collect money from the attendants. Also, a Club Security must ensure that they do not start any fights in the club. The time of this job is from 8 pm to 3 am. The salary rate is roughly $90/ 30 minutes (+50 Commission).

    • Boxing Coach

You must keep the peace within the gym. Also, you have to make sure fights are organized. In the ring, a boxing coach must teach people about fighting. The time of this job is from 3 pm to 8 pm. The rate of salary is about $185/30 minutes (+20 commission).

    • High Priest

You must get together on Sun-day and rejoice. The time of high priest job is from 10 am to 2 pm. The working rate of this job is $350/ minutes.

    • Fast Food Employee

You must take orders from the customers, cook orders, and serve orders. The time of this job is from 10 am to 8 pm. The rate of the salary is $100 or 30 minutes (+10 commission).

    • Club DJ

You have to play music in the club. The time of this job is from 8 pm to 3 am. The rate of salary for this job is about $110/30 minutes.

    • LitFits Clerk

You have to sell clothes to customers. The time of this LitFits Clerk job is from 10 am to 8 pm. The rate of salary for this job is $110/30 minutes.

    • Pawnshop Clerk

You have to sell the items to customers. The time of this job is from 10 am to 8 pm. The rate of the salary for this job is about $110/30 minutes.

Getting a Job in Roblox East Brickton

People say money rules the world, the same can be said in East Brickton. The players need money to purchase the clothes, weapons, haircuts, and more. To obtain some Brickton Bux, the players have to put in a hard day’s work completing jobs. All jobs are able to be accepted at the Key Resource Employment, aka the Job Center. The players are able to find the Key Resource Employment on the corner of Genesee St. and Bedford Ave. The located is not far from Mercy Hospital, which is the first location where the players spawn into Roblox East Brickton. While travelling to the location, you have to remember the street signs to ensure that they are on the correct roads.

If you are starting out from the Mercy Hospital entrance, please take a right onto Wallace St. Then, you have to run down the length of Mercy Hospital on Wallace St and take the first left. Taking this left can put you on Genesee St. Afterwards, travel down Genessee St. for one block and you are going to find the Key Resource Employment (Job Center) on your left soon. For note: If you ran past Bedford Ave, you have gone too far. The next road is York St. If you have reached York St. you have to turn around on Genesee St. Next, you have to run back to the corner of Genesee and Bedford.

In the Key Resource Employment job center, you are able to approach the bulletin board and then click on the board. This is where the players are able to apply for any available jobs. Lots of players crowd around the board at once, so you may need to wait in line to interact with the board.

Need to know that the rates vary per job, however most usually need at least 30 minutes of your time. To accept a job, you are able to press Apply and then make sure you are working at the scheduled in-game time. Remember that some job positions might be filled despite clicking the Apply button. Occasionally, all positions in East Brickton are going to be filled on the board.

Making Money in Roblox East Brickton

To make money in Roblox East Brickton game, you have to work. Follow the avatar where he goes. There, you are able to see that you have to get into the Key Resource Employment Office. After that, you have to click on the information board and then there will appear the Available Job Positions. In each job, there is a description about what you will do in the job, time and rate of the salary. For example, the task of Fast Food Employee is to take orders from the customers, cook orders, and serve orders. The time is from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm.

In the left of the job name, there is an Apply button. If you are interested in certain job, you have to click on the Apply button. But, if you see that there is full word after you click on the Apply button, it means that the job is currently full. If there are no open jobs, go to Salty Saloon and get a job there.

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