Armored Mewtwo Weakness Pokemon Go

Every Pokemon has weakness. What is the weakness of Armored Mewtwo in Pokemon GO? Here, we have the information about the weakness of Armored Mewtwo and also the other information that you need to know about Armored Mewtwo.

The Weakness of Armored Mewtwo

Armored Mewtwo is weak to several moves such as Dark, Bug and Ghost-type moves. It is the same as the normal version of Mewtwo. So, because Armored Mewtwo is weak against these types of moves, if you want to catch this Pokemon in Pokemon Go, you have to use these move types to be able to weaken it.

Armored Mewtwo is vulnerable to Bug which deals 160% damage, Dark which deals 160% damage and Ghost which deals 160% damage. However, Armored Mewtwo is resistant to Fighting which deals 63% damage and Psychic which deals 63% damage.

Armored Mewtwo Weakness Pokemon Go

About Armored Mewtwo

Armored Mewtwo is a special Tier 5 Pokemon Go Raid Boss with 41299. It is available from February 25th, to March 2nd, 2020. During this time, when this pokemon is caught, it know Psystrike. This Pokemon is a Psychic Pokemon and has different stats to the regular version of Mewtwo. You are able to catch Armored Mewtwo with the CP values as you are able to see below.

    • 1740 CP – 1821 CP at level 20 with no weather boost.
    • 2175 CP – 2276 at level 25 with Windy weather boost.

As explained earlier that the stats of Armored Mewtwo are different than normal Mewtwo stats. Here are the difference of their stats.

Armored Mewtwo Stats

    • Attack: 182
    • Defense: 278
    • Stamina: 214

Normal Mewtwo Stats

    • Attack: 300
    • Defense: 182
    • Stamina: 214

As you are able to see in the stats above that Normal Mewtwo has higher attack than Armored Mewtwo. However, Armored Mewtwo has higher defense than Normal Mewtwo. For stamina, they have the same stamina.

Mewtwo is a legendary Psychic Pokemon which was created by genetic manipulation. Even though the scientific power of humans made the body of this Pokemon, they failed to give a compassionate heart to this Pokemon.

The Best Moveset for Armored Mewtwo

Confusion and Psystrike are the best moves for Armored Mewtwo when it attacks Pokemon in Gyms. It has the highest total DPS of this move combination. For PVP battles, it is also the best moveset.


Confusion Psystrike 100%
Confusion Future Sight 91%
Confusion Dynamic Punch 85%
Iron Tail Psystrike 84%
Confusion Earthquake 82%
Confusion Rock Slide 81%
Iron Tail Future Sight 78%
Iron Tail Dynamic Punch 75%
Iron Tail Earthquake 74%
Iron Tail Rock Slide 72%


Confusion Psystrike 100%
Confusion Dynamic Punch 90%
Confusion Future Sight 89%
Confusion Earthquake 86%
Confusion Rock Slide 85%
Iron Tail Psystrike 66%
Iron Tail Future Sight 64%
Iron Tail Earthquake 62%
Iron Tail Dynamic Punch 60%
Iron Tail Rock Slide 58%

The Base Stats of Armored Mewtwo

The attacks of Armored Mewtwo is 182, its Defense is 278 and its Stamina is 214.

The Max CP of Armored Mewtwo can be seen below.

    • Level 15 (Research encounters): 1,366
    • Level 20 (Max hatched/ raids): 1,821
    • Level 30 (Max wild): 2,732
    • Level 40: 3,187

The Max CP with weather boost can be seen below.

    • Level 25 (raids): 2,276
    • Level 35 (wild): 2,959

The Max HP of Armored Mewtwo can be seen below.

Level 40: 180

The height of Armored Mewtwo is 2 m and the weight is 122 kg. The base capture rate of this Pokemon is 2% and the base flee rate of this pokemon is 10%. How about the buddy walk distance of an Armored Mewtwo? It is 20 km.

All Moves of Armored Mewtwo

Quick Move

Move Damage EPS DPS
Confusion 20 9.4 15
Iron Tail 15 6.4 13.6

Main Move

Move Damage EPS DPS
Earthquake 140 -27.8 38.9
Rock Slide 80 -18.5 29.6
Dynamic Punch 90 -18.5 33.3
Future Sight 120 -37 53.3
Psystrike 90 -21.7 47

The Strongest Pokemon To Beat Armored Mewtwo

There are 5 strongest Pokemon that you are able to use to be able to defeat Armored Mewtwo. Those are Gengar, Darkrai, Yveltal, Chandelure, and Deoxys (Attack).

    • Gengar

This is a Ghost and Poison Pokemon which is vulnerable to Ground, Dark, Psychic and Ghost moves. The strongest moveset of this Pokemon is Lick and Shadow Ball and it has a Max CP of 2,878.

    • Darkrai

This Pokemon is a mythical Dark Pokemon and it is vulnerable to Fighting, Fairy and Bug moves. The strongest moveset of this Pokemon are Snarl and Shadow Ball and it has a max CP of 3,739.

    • Yveltal

This Pokemon is a Dark and Flying Pokemon which is vulnerable to Ice, Electric, Fairy and Rock moves. The strongest moveset of Yveltal is Gust and Hurricane and the Max CP of it is 4,514.

    • Chandelure

This Pokemon is a Ghost and Fire Pokemon which evolves from Lampent. Chandelure is vulnerable to some moves such as Ground, Dark, Water and Ghost moves. The strongest moveset of Chandelure is Fire Spin and Shadow Ball and the Max CP of it is 3,268.

    • Deoxys (Attack)

This is a mythical Psychic Pokemon which is vulnerable to some moves such as Dark, Bug and Ghost moves. This Pokemon has some strongest moveset and those are Zen Headbutt and Zap Cannon and the Max CP of it is 2,580.

In the list below, you are able to see some Pokemon and their moves which can do the most damage to Mewtwo.

    • Gengar

Quick Move: Lick
Main Move: Shadow Ball
Effective Damage: 100%

    • Gengar

Quick Move: Shadow Claw
Main Move: Shadow Ball
Effective Damage: 99%

    • Darkrai

Quick Move: Snarl
Main Move: Shadow Ball
Effective Damage: 99%

    • Gengar

Quick Move: Hex
Main Move: Shadow Ball
Effective Damage: 98%

    • Chandelure

Quick Move: Hex
Main Move: Shadow Ball
Effective Damage: 98%

    • Darkrai

Quick Move: Snarl
Main Move: Dark Pulse
Effective Damage: 96%

    • Darkrai

Quick Move: Feint Attack
Main Move: Shadow Ball
Effective Damage: 94%

    • Gengar

Quick Move: Sucker Punch
Main Move: Shadow Ball
Effective Damage: 92%

    • Deoxys (Attack)

Quick Move: Poison Jab
Main Move: Dark Pulse
Effective Damage: 92%

    • Darkrai

Quick Move: Feint Attack
Main Move: Dark Pulse
Effective Damage: 92%

    • Zoroark

Quick Move: Snarl
Main Move: Foul Play
Effective Damage: 91%

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