Armored Mewtwo Bulbapedia

Bulbapedia is an encyclopedia about Pokemon to which anyone enable to contribute. Since its release in February 2005, Bulbapedia has grown to become one of the biggest Pokemon resources on the internet. As section of the Bulbagarden, this is supported by Bulbanews, Bulbagarden forums and Bulbagarden Archives. Well, let us talk about Armored Mewtwo Bulbapedia. From Bulbapedia, we have got some information related to Armored Mewtwo. Just look at the text below.

Armored Mewtwo – Release information

Armored Mewtwo card was a SM Black Star Promo, included in the Fall 2019 Collector Chest. Based on the research, it was released on November 22, 2019. In Japan, Armored Mewtwo card was available as a SM-P Promotional card, and with a promotional Mewtwo disk, they were given to the first 3 million attendees of Mewtwo Strikes Back: Evolution in cinemas. The movie logo is displayed in the bottom right corner of the illustration. This Armored Mewtwo card is based on Mewtwo from the original series of the Pokemon anime, that was coerced into wearing a suit of armor and battle for Giovanni. This armor is based on the one depicted in Mewtwo Strikes Back: Evolution.


  • Card name: Armored Mewtwo
  • Evolution stage: Basic Pokemon
  • Type: Psychic
  • HP: 120
  • English expansion: SM Black Star Promos
  • English card no: SM228
  • Japanese expansion: SM-P Promotional cards
  • Japanese card no: 365/SM-P
  • Card text: This Pokemon cannot attack during your next turn.

Armored Mewtwo is a Psychic-type Basic Pokemon card

According to Bulbapedia, Armored Mewtwo is a Psychic-type Basic Pokemon card. For your information, the Psychic type is one of the eleven TCG types. Armored Mewtwo is represented by purple color, and also symbolized by an open eye.

The Psychic type consists of most Psychic and Ghost-type Pokemon discovered in the main series video games. For instance, Cofagrigus is the Psychic type in the Pokemon TCG. From the Diamond and Pearl set until the Sword and Shield set, Poison-type Pokemon were grouped in with the Psychic type. For instance, any Garbodor cards printed during this time would have been Psychic types in the TCG. Previously, Poison types in the TCG were grouped in with Grass, and now they are grouped in with Darkness.

In addition, starting in Sword and Shield, now Fairy-type Pokemon are grouped in with the Psychic type instead of having their own energy type. For instance, Alcremie is a Psychic type in the TCG.

The corresponding Basic Energy card is the Psychic Energy.

Armored Mewtwo is one of the SM Black Star Promos

According to Bulbapedia, Armored Mewtwo is one of the SM Black Star Promos. For your information, the SM Black Star Promos are a series of promotional cards which are tied in with the Sun and Moon Series of cards, that started with the launch of Alola Collection the same day as Pokemon Sun and Moon. With the releasing of the Series, the XY prefix for the promotional cards was altered to SM.

About Bulbapedia

About Bulbapedia

Bulbapedia is a community-driven Pokemon encyclopedia which is based on the wiki concept. It means that it may be read and edited by anyone. It is similar in spirit to Wikipedia, however it is focused solely on documenting the Pokemon canon and the fandom surrounding it. Its name is a portmanteau of Bulbagarden, the Pokemon site which runs Bulbapedia and encyclopedia. It is known as the pedia, Bulbawiki or Bulba among its contributors. Bulbapedia and Bulbagarden get their names from Bulbasaur, popular as the first Pokémon in the National Pokedex order. The images for the site are stored at the Bulbagarden Archives, that also supplies artwork, photographs and screenshots for Bulbanews, an affiliate news site run by Bulbagarden too.

Bulbapedia Development

Based on the research, Bulbapedia was established by Zhen Lin on December 21, 2004. The original period of development asked the members of the Bulbagarden community to write for a collaborative and open work environment that makes interacting with other staff and searching for information very simple. It was unsuccessful, however Bulbapedia continued work with a some contributors, and achieved 100 articles within three weeks. Finally, it opened to the public on February 14, 2005, marketed as the gift of Bulbagarden’s Valentine to the Fandom. At least, there were 21 new articles made within the first 24 hours of operations, and within three months 1,000 articles had been written. The 10,000th article was made 3 years later, on June 29, 2008. Currently, it is the biggest English-language Pokemon wiki.

The development of Bulbapedia was dependent on the community. In the years that passed since its opening, lots of thousands of users have contributed to its success. In the summer of 2007, once the subject of starting of publishing advertisements on the site to maintain its costs came up, the entire community was given the right to vote on the matter, finally deciding to agree to the advertising.

Relations with other sites

Bulbapedia is a founding member of the Encyclopedia Pokemonis, a multi-lingual group of wikis documenting all aspects of Pokemon. As a part of Bulbagarden, it is considered an affiliate site with all Bulbagarden affiliates. Also, Bulbapedia co-founded the Nintendo Independent Wiki Alliance. This network comprises fan-run wikis from some Nintendo franchises.

Relations with The Pokemon Wiki, have not been as promising. This is to no mistaken of the Wikia administration, however due to Wikian contributors misunderstanding some clauses of Bulbapedia’s Creative Commons license, that prohibits commercial use of Bulbapedia information, and the redistribution of it. Of course, this has been an issue with other websites who want to profit off of Bulbapedia’s volunteer staff, such as the makers of one iPhone app. An attempt was created by Wikia early in Bulbapedia history which would have seen Bulbapedia become part of the Wikia enterprise. It was unsuccessful clearly. Since then, Wikia has created a number of offers for Bulbagarden, most recently in April 2010. All of them have been rejected in rather emphatic manner.

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