About Special Exclamation Point in Fortnite You Should Know

An exclamation point or exclamation mark is really used by the players or their Fortnite name. However, inserting an exclamation point in the Fortnite name is such a big dream for every player, considering not all players can use the punctuation point in their Fortnite name.

Of course, not all players really understand the exclamation point in Fortnite. Whereas, it’s such a common thing which has no big effects on Fortnite games. If you really want to know more about a special exclamation point in Fortnite, you’re at the right page as we’ll share about a special exclamation point that you should know in Fortnite.

About Special Exclamation Point in Fortnite You Should Know

A Special Exclamation Point Is…..

A special exclamation point here refers to one of punctuation marks that we usually find on some texts. The exclamation point here is also an exclamation mark. Moreover, in Fortnite games, an exclamation point is usually used in Fortnite names.

Somehow, a Fortnite name with exclamation point inserted will present something catchy which also describes the players’ character so far. However, it’s a really good way for you to show your unique Fortnite name in an informal way. While it will be boring when you show your Fortnite name in a formal way.

You Fail Inserting an Exclamation Point Because….

In case the punctuation mark cannot be used in Fortnite name, we think Epic Games delimit the players to use any kinds or signs, symbols or even punctuation marks in players’ names. However, having a unique and anti-mainstream Fortnite name is every player’s desire.

How about you? Have you ever tried use a special exclamation point in your Fortnite name? And Did you succeed?

When you want to change your Fortnite name and insert an exclamation point manually into your name, we guarantee that you will fail doing it. You might have tried to change your Fortnite name, but you failed at all. In fact, you fail to insert an exclamation point to your Fortnite name because you manually type a “!” key on your keyboard. Indeed, you are forbidden to type an exclamation point manually to your Fortnite name.

Furthermore, you go to your account on Epic Games. Here, you select an account menu which directs you to your personal details. We guess, to insert an exclamation point in your Fortnite name, you will click the Pen symbol. Then, you will type your Fortnite name and type ‘!’ key to insert an exclamation point in your Fortnite name.

Unfortunately, once you enter your new Fortnite name, a pop up window appears that says “SORRY YOUR DISPLAY NAME MAY NOT CONTAIN !”.

In fact, this message informs you that you’re impossible to change your Fortnite name by inserting  an exclamation point. Then, you may think that it’s end, may not you?  Of course, not! If you think that you absolutely cannot use an exclamation point in your Fortnite name permanently, that’s wrong at all. How can? Let’s see below!

Is It Possible to Insert Exclamation Point in Your Fortnite Name?

So, you may wonder whether it’s possible to use an exclamation point in your Fortnite name or not. Thankfully, this post will guide you to make your dream come true. Well, we have the great ways to lead you having a Fortnite name with a special exclamation point inserted. To note, an exclamation point can be just inserted to the Fortnite name by copying it, not manually typing the “!” key on your keyboard.

At least, there are two ways  that you can follow to insert an exclamation point in your Fortnite name. Here’s how to insert an exclamation point to your Fortnite name!

Way 1: Copy and Paste “!”

Keep in mind, you cannot insert an exclamation point in your Fortnite name if you manually type “!” key on your keyboard. Instead, you should look for the ‘!’ mark on some sources especially from any texts on the internet. Once you find it, you can then copy an exclamation point and hold it.

The next step, you have to login to Epic Games and you can then go to your profile.

After that, you can choose your Epic Games name, click on the Account option. By clicking it, it will open the General Settings menu. Here, you have to select your account name by clicking a Pen symbol and then click on it.

Here, you need to type your name and paste an exclamation point that you have copied before. You’re able to copy it either in front or behind your name. That’s up to you!

Don’t forget to checklist to accept Epic Games’ Term & Services. There will be a note that emphasizes “You cannot change your display name again for two weeks after this.”

Last, if you successfully insert an exclamation point in your Fortnite name, you automatically will see it on your Fortnite name. Otherwise, if you do not see it in your Fortnite name, it means that you failed at all.

Way 2: Type “!” on Browser

Aside from the first way, we also have the second way that we get from shocz’s video from YouTube entitled How To Get An Exclamation Mark in Your Fortnite Name. If you want to directly watch the tutorial, you can access here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92-t0AE2DZg

Here’s how to insert an exclamation point to your Fortnite name:

  • Firstly, you have to go to your profile name in Epic Games.
  • Click on your account to see your personal details.
  • Then, click on the Pen symbol next to your Fortnite name.
  • Here, you usually type your Fortnite name on the available bar. But, if you want to use an exclamation mark, please don’t do this!
  • To insert an exclamation mark to your Fortnite name, you can type your Fortnite name on your browser address and follow by typing the  “!” key.
  • Then, you can then copy and paste it on the Fortnite name bar.
  • Click on the Confirm button to submit.

If you successfully insert an exclamation point in your Fortnite name, you automatically will see it on your Fortnite name. Otherwise, if you do not see it in your Fortnite name, it means that you failed at all.

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