4 Whatsapp Applications that Make You Look Offline When You Are Actually Online (Work)

Some people want to make their WhatsApp offline so it does not look like something that can be read online. Most of them prefer this for privacy purposes. As a WhatsApp user, you may also feel the same and feel bothered when using this app that always looks online. For the sake of your privacy, you may want to use WhatsApp without everyone knowing. In other words, you want to keep online but you do not want others to know that you are online.

The good news is that it is possible to make you look offline on Facebook when you are actually online. The methods vary, ranging from using additional applications to without using one. If you are interested in it, make sure to read the post until the end.

4 Whatsapp Applications that Make You Look Offline When You Are Actually Online (Work)

How to Make Whatsapp Application Look Offline When It is Actually Online and Not Visible to Read? 

As stated before, privacy is the most common reason why people do not want to be spied on by others while using WhatsApp, because they are aware there are people who actually feel annoyed by the online status on this platform. It is the reason why they want to remove this status so that it does not seem like they are online and using the app.

If you want to make your status offline when you are actually online on Facebook, there are two methods that you can try. To be able to do that, you are recommended to use additional or modified applications that can be downloaded and installed on your gadget. After downloading and installing such an application, you will be allowed to use every feature that the application has. One of the features that you can use is the feature to hide online status on WhatsApp. To be able to use it, make sure to know the method in detail.

Before using the additional or modified applications, you should know that it has some pros and cons. In general, the pros of the applications include various features they have. These features are special as they cannot be found in the original WhatsApp version.

What about the cons? What are the cons of these additional or modified applications? One of the cons of these applications is the fact that they have not been officially authorized by the original WhatsApp developer which is now held by Facebook. It means they can be considered as illegal. As they are not officially licensed and illegal, they cannot be included in the list of the Google Play Store. Try to go to Google Play Store and you will not be able to find these applications. Not only that, you can also put your WhatsApp account at risk if you use these applications. Do not be surprised if your WhatsApp account gets banned by the developer when you are using these applications. If your account is banned, you will not be able to use it at all, unless they revoke the ban or you create a new account.

Methods to Make WhatsApp Status Look Offline by Using Additional Apps

Now you know the pros and cons of additional or modified applications. As mentioned above, one of the pros is to hide online status. Thanks to this feature, you will be able to make your status offline when, in fact, you are actually online.

There are several applications to make your status on WhatsApp offline when you are actually online. Can’t wait to find out which applications have such a feature? The list includes:

1. GB WhatsApp

GB WhatsApp

The first application is GB WhatsApp. This one has a feature to hide your online status on WhatsApp. In addition, there are also some other features on this application. Some other ones include ones to hide blue ticks, to use more emojis, to restore deleted messages, to filter incoming calls, and so on. If you want to get these features, make sure to download and install the application first.

There is no way for you to find GB Whatsapp on the Google Play Store as it has not been officially registered. To find it, browse the internet for sites that offer free download files.  Just download one of the offline WhatsApp applications to make you look offline when, in fact, you are online.

Name of application: GB WhatsApp

Latest version: 16.00.0

File size: 49.8 MB

Free license

Link: https://file.dolanyok.com/gbwhatsapp-apk/

After downloading the application, you can install it. Once you have successfully installed it, make sure to restart your gadget first. Then, open and use the application if you want to hide your online status on the original WhatsApp.

Aside from these features, there are also some other ones that you can use. When using this application, make sure to be careful and to not be banned by the developer of WhatsApp. It is important for you to always be careful, even though this application claims to be anti banned.

2. FM WhatsApp

FM WhatsApp

The second application that can make you look offline is FM WhatsApp. Just like the one above, it also has not been officially authorized by the original WhatsApp developer, meaning it is considered illegal. However, it has an anti-ban feature that you can use so that you will not get banned by the developer when using the application. Without this feature, your WhatsApp account will be banned and you will not be able to use it.

As FM WhatsApp is nowhere to be seen on the Play Store because it is not officially licensed, browse the internet to find sites or websites that offer free applications to download files. After finding one, just download all the files. To be able to be installed, these files should be downloaded. Please check the downloaded folder in the download section on your gadget to make sure about everything. If you want a fast way, find the link below.

Name of application: FM WhatsApp

Latest version: 8.86

File size: 45.7 MB

License: Free

Link: https://file.merpati.co.id/fmwhatsapp-apk-mod/

After downloading the application, it is time to install it. Firstly, prepare your gadget. Then, open the settings menu. Next, choose the security menu to enable installing from an unknown source. After that, you can install the application by clicking on the file called FM WhatsApp in the download folder. By doing so, the installation process will be started. Please wait to finish. When everything is done, you will be able to see a notification on the screen. In case there is an issue, you will also be notified. After installing the application, you should restart your gadget first before opening it. After restarting the application, you can open and use the application to use the feature. Do not forget to activate the feature to hide the online status that you want.

3. OG WhatsApp

OG WhatsApp

The third application that you can try is OG WhatsApp. It is also considered as a modified application, meaning you cannot find it on the Google Play Store. There are many features that you can find in the application. One of them is to hide your online status on WhatsApp.

Do not hesitate to download and install OG WhatsApp if you want to hide your online status on Whatsapp. To download it, find a site that offers free files to download on the internet. To make everything easier, use the link found below. Make sure to download everything completely. Go to the download section to make sure whether the process is successful or not.

Name of application: OG WhatsApp

Latest version: 8.80

File size: 41.96 MB

License: Free

Link: https://www.zonarecipes.com/6uw/OG_WhatsApp_BY-JIMBREUR.apk

For those who have downloaded the OG WhatsApp application file, you can install it on your gadget now. Do it manually as you get it from a site. First of all, prepare your gadget and open the settings menu or settings. Next, go to the security section to enable installation from unknown sources. Remember to enable it so that you can install downloaded files from sources outside the gadget.

The process of installing the application can be started by opening the download folder. Then, find the OG WhatsApp file name and click on it. By doing so, the installation process will be started. Please wait until the process is done and then restart your gadget.

After restarting your gadget, you can open and use the OG WhatsApp. By installing and using it, your original WhatsApp account is automatically used. Feel free to use the feature if you want to get rid of the online status.

4. Fouad WhatsApp

Fouad WhatsApp

The last application that you can use to hide your online status on WhatsApp is named Fouad WhatsApp. The features of the application also vary and are interesting and no one of them can be found on the original WhatsApp. These unique features include one to hide online status, to hide the blue tick when online, to have 266 characters in the story captions, to have so many emojis, and so on.

To use Fouad WhatsApp, you have to download and install it first. The way to do it is similar to the one above. Find the site that offers the link on the internet. Be aware when looking for the site. To prevent something bad from happening, you are suggested using the link below.

Name of application: Fouad WhatsApp

Latest version: 8.86

File size: 45.79 MB

License: Free

Link: https://file.dolanyok.com/fouad-whatsapp/

After downloading the application, you can install it on your gadget. If you are curious about how to install it, it is the same as installing the applications mentioned above. As the application has not entered the Play Store list, please install it manually.

While you can only install Fouad WhatsApp manually, there is nothing to worry as everything can be done easily. Once you have successfully installed the application, you are suggested to restart your gadget first. After that, you can use the application.

Using the application is easy as it has a similar appearance and basic features as the original WhatsApp. What makes it different is that it has additional features, and one of them is to hide your online status on WhatsApp. Feel free to use these features and remember to only use them according to their function. While using these features, make sure to avoid getting banned from the WhatsApp developer.

These WhatsApp applications to make your WhatsApp status offline when in fact you are online can be downloaded, installed and used on your gadget. Feel free to use any application. Remember to use the application wisely.

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