OSRS Vorkath Gear Guide

There are a lot of things that you need to know about monsters in Old School RuneScape (OSRS). Let’s say that you want to know everything about Vorkath, the things that you need to know is gearing up, how to kill him, where to find him, equipment for his attack and many more. And here, we will give you an explanation related to Vorkath about Gearing Up and Equipment.

Gearing Up

According to Player Auction, the most common method to kill Vorkath is with range. There is nothing to beat the Dragon Hunter Crossbow because of its 20% damage and accuracy bonus. With an imbued Salve Amulet and a full void set, it also stacks, even though using Armadyls armor would be better. For an optional trip, here is what your gear should look like.

    • Ammo: Enchanted Ruby Dragon Bolts
    • Helmet: Elite Void or Armadyls
    • Body: Elite Void Ranger helm or Armadyls
    • Weapon: Dragon Hunter Crossbow
    • Shield: Dragonfire Ward
    • Legs: Elite Void or Armadyls
    • Gloves: Barrows Gloves or Void Knight Gauntlets
    • Amulet: Fury or Salve Amulet imbued
    • Ring: Imbued Archer’s Ring
    • Boots: Pegasian Boots or Blessed Dragonhide

And here is the inventory set up.

    • 1 Anti-venom+ and it is no exceptions
    • At least 3 prayer potions
    • 1 Extended Super antifire
    • 1 Bastion Potion
    • High healing food such as sharks or manta ray
    • 1-click teleport and it can work by using Fremmenik boots.
    • Runes for Crumble Undead
    • A Bandos Godsword that can be used to lower defense and it is the best option
    • A bone crossbow that can be used to lower defense
    • A Saradomin Sword that can be used to heal but it is optional
    • A Dragon Warhammer that can be used to lower defense, but it is optional
    • An ancient mace for leeching prayer points and it is also optional

Recommended Equipment for Ranged (Crossbow)

The most effective ranged weapon that you are able to use against Vorkath is the dragon hunter crossbow. Its cost makes it unavailable for a lot of players.


Item (most effective -> least effective)


Void ranger helm Slayer helmet (it is used if you are on task and not using salve amulet) Armadyl helmet

Serpentine helm

Robin hood hat/ Blessed coif


Salve amulet Necklace of anguish Amulet of fury Amulet of glory Amulet of power
Back Ava’s assembler Ava’s accumulator Ranging cape Ava’s attractor

Infernal cape


Elite void top/ Void knight top Armadyl chestplate Karil’s leathertop Blessed body Black d’hide body
Legs Elite void robe/ Void knight robe Armadyl chainskirt Karil’s leatherskirt Blessed chaps

Black d’hide chaps


Dragon hunter crossbow Armadyl crossbow Dragon crossbow Rune crossbow N/A
Shield Dragonfire ward Anti-dragon shield Odium ward (it results in slightly higher damage output at the cost of more damage taken) N/A


Ammo/ Spell

Ruby dragon bolts (until 35% or 265 HP) + Diamond dragon bolts Ruby bolts (until 35% or 265 HP) + Diamond bolts Onyx dragon bolts/ Opal dragon bolts N/A N/A
Gloves Void knight gloves Barrows gloves Blessed vambraces Black d’hide vambraces

Ranger gloves


Pegasian boots Ranger boots Blessed boots Boots of brimstone Snakeskin boots
Ring Archers ring Ring of suffering Brimstone ring Archers ring

Ring of the gods

Recommended Equipment for Ranged (Blowpipe)

The effective method to kill Vorkath for players who are not able to buy a dragon hunter crossbow is the Toxic blowpipe. If using a defence-reduction special attack weapon, Void Knight equipment should be used by you. Otherwise, if you use standard ranging armour such as black d’hide, it will give higher damage output and give higher defence than normal void equipment.


Item (most effective -> least effective)


Void ranger helm Slayer helmet if you are on task and not using salve amulet Armadyl helmet Serpentine helm Robin hood hat/ Blessed coif
Neck Salve amulet Necklace of anguish Amulet of fury Amulet of glory

Amulet of power


Ava’s assembler Ava’s accumulator Ranging cape Ava’s attractor Infernal cape
Body Elite void top/ Void knight top if using defence-reducing special attacks Armadyl chestplate Karil’s leathertop Blessed body

Black d’hide body


Elite void robe/ Void knight robe if using Defence reducing special attacks Armadyl chainskirt Karil’s leatherskirt Blessed chaps

Black d’hide chaps


Toxic blowpipe with adamant or better darts N/A N/A N/A N/A
Ammo/ Spell Rada’s blessing 4 God blessing / Rada’s blessing 3/2 N/A N/A



Void knight gloves Barrows gloves Blessed vambraces Black d’hide vambraces Ranger gloves
Feet Pegasian boots Ranger boots Blessed boots Snakeskin boots



Archers ring Ring of suffering Brimstone ring Archers ring Ring of the gods
Special attack Bandos godsword Dragon warhammer Saradomin godsword Armadyl godsword


Recommended Equipment for Melee

The most effective melee weapon that you are able to use against Vorkath is the dragon hunter lance. The passive effect of lance and also the accuracy can boost stack with the Salve amulet or Salve amulet (e) or Salve amulet(ei) and it permits you to be able to hit often and high.


Item (most effective -> least effective)


Neitiznot faceguard Slayer helmet if on task, using fire cape and not using Salve amulet Serpentine helm Helm of neitiznot/ Obsidian helmet

Justiciar faceguard


Salve amulet Amulet of torture if you are on task + using slayer helm Amulet of fury Amulet of glory/ Amulet of the damned

Amulet of power


Infernal cape Fire cape Ardougne cloak 4 Ardougne cloak 3 Cape of accomplishment
Body Bandos chestplate Fighter torso Obsidian platebody Justicier chestguard

Inquisitor’s hauberk


Bandos tassets Obsidian platelegs Justiciar legguards Verac’s plateskirt/ Dharok’s platelegs/ Torag’s platelegs Fremennik kilt
Weapon Dragon Hunter lance Ghrazi rapier Zamorakian hasta Abyssal dagger

Leaf-bladed sword


Avernic defender Dragon defender Dragonfire shield Toktz-ket-xil Rune defender
Ammo/ Spell Rada’s blessing 4 Gold blessing/ Rada’s blessing 3/2 N/A N/A



Ferocious gloves Barrows gloves Dragon gloves Rune gloves Granite gloves
Feet Primordial boots Dragon boots Guardian boots Granite boots

Bandos boots


Brimstone ring if all other gear is best in slot, otherwise berserker ring Berserker ring Ring of suffering Ring of the gods Treasonous ring
Special attack Dragon claws Bandos godsword Dragon warhammer Saradomin godsword

Armadyl godsword

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